Benoît Vallauri, head of the regional innovation laboratory Ti Lab in Brittany, talks to La Gazette des communes about the current limits of dematerialization and public innovation. interview with La Gazette des communes on the current limitations of dematerialization and public innovation. He invites us to take a close look at the feelings of the most vulnerable users in order to truly take the pulse of the efficiency of public services, especially in times of health crisis.
"Let's take the example of people from high socio-professional backgrounds: they may only have to do two or three paperless procedures per year, such as paying taxes. And for complex requests, such as the registration of their vehicle, they will be able to pay the €30 for the accompaniment service, which is a form of "uberization" of public services.This is not the case for the users who need us the most: jobseekers who have to update themselves every month, the most precarious, who will have to manage additional dematerialized procedures (RSA, CMU, training...). The more precarious you are, the more you have to deal with dematerialization.We are working with LabAccès on these issues and we are demonstrating that it is not the citizens who lack digital skills on dematerialization, but rather the administrations, local authorities and operators who make too many digital demands on users, and often for the wrong reasons: short-term savings, imposed deadlines, work in silos, outdated technologies, lack of analysis of the interplay of players... "LabAccès, an action research project around the issues of access to rights and public services in a context of dematerialization.The LabAccesa project co-sponsored by the Brittany Region and the State and implemented as part of the Ti Lab, aims to identify and experiment with concrete ways to combat the lack of access to public rights and services, in a context of dematerialization
The LABAcces challenge is based on the establishment of a common work framework between :
- The organizations responsible for the instruction and delivery of rights, services and benefits (State, Pôle Emploi, CAF, CARSAT, CPAM, MSA, mutual insurance companies, local authorities (including the Brittany Region).
- Everyday organizations present in the territories and providing a more or less general "proximity" service (MSAP, CDAS or CMS, town halls, social centers, PIMMS, media libraries, EPN, etc.).
- Work to strengthen the digital practices of people in difficulty in accessing rights and public services
- Promote the adaptation of professional practices
- Develop the inclusiveness of digital devices
- Mobilize the potential of digital technology to promote access to rights and public services by promoting access to reliable and up-to-date online information, centralized in a common space, and allowing for the secure exchange of existing data held by different administrations, so as to make access to rights and services easier.
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