During the Numérique en Commun[s] meetings in Nantes on September 13, the Etalab mission is organizing a State Forum (the 4th one) to gather the point of view of digital mediation professionals on these two issues.
In 2016, the law for a Digital Republic introduced in the code of relations between the public and the administration the obligation for administrations to inform each citizen, when an individual decision concerning him has been taken against him using an algorithm.
This same law also sets a goal of open data by default. From October 2017, the law imposes a principle of open data by default to all administrations, all actors invested with a public service mission and local authorities with more than 3500 inhabitants and 50 agents. Few public data are not concerned by this obligation to open.
This fourth State Open Forum is divided into two workshops:
Workshop 1 - "An algorithm is like a recipe!" : through the example of the calculation of the housing tax we will test new approaches to mediation to algorithms. How to make the largest audience understand the technical, legal and political stakes of an algorithm? How to deconstruct the algorithm and give it meaning? Workshop 2 - Making data.gouv.fr a tool for digital mediation: how to make the data.gouv.fr platform address a wider public and support digital mediation more strongly in its actions? How can the portal be better editorialized to make the opening of data more readable for the greatest number of people? What functionalities are missing to broaden the audience of open data?Référence :