Each year, Pôle emploi sends a questionnaire to more than 1.6 million establishments to find out their recruitment needs by sector of activity and by employment area.
The2018 edition of the Workforce Needs Survey (BMO) estimates that there are 75,000 job openings for jobs directly related to IT. More than half of the recruitment intentions (42,650) are forengineering and management positionsin IT research and R&D: an increase of more than 27% in one year. The Île de France region accounts for 57% of the positions to be filled.
The study estimates that 21,000 IT technicians will be hired for user services and research and development and 9,000 IT employees and operators.
The study also identifies nearly 9,000 vacancies in three related fields, which have a strong digital dimension: telecommunications, communication professions (assistants and communication executives) and documentation.
Companies that are considering recruiting computer scientists and digital professionals expect to encounter difficulties in finding this type of profile.
Hiring difficulties for these occupations increased between 2017 and 2018, with the exception of IT engineers and managers, for whom the level of difficulties remains at a high level (62.0% in 2018, 62.8% in 2017)
Employers' expectations in terms of digital skills are not limited to the Digital industry. For example, 13% of employers cite "lack of office and/or computer skills" as a reason for the difficulties they encountered in 2017 in recruiting.
There are 36,000 recruitment projects for"Office and related secretaries".
In the shared vision of jobs and skills in the digital sector, France Stratégie, with the support of Cereq (Centre d'études et de recherches sur les qualifications), identified thirty-six professions, structured into nine families, to overcome the difficulties associated with the current nomenclature of public statistics.
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