Baptiste Amar (ARCEP)
Baptiste Amar is a data analyst at Arcep's Market Observatory, the unit in charge of collecting and reporting information on the sectors studied by the Authority (telecoms, postal, digital). He answers questions from the laboratory on the occasion of the opening of the Digital Barometer data.What is the Digital Barometer? How and by whom were these data produced?The Digital Barometer is a reference study on the adoption of digital equipment and uses by the French. It is the result of a collaboration between the CGE and Arcep since 2003, which the Agence du Numérique joined for the 2016 edition.The opening of the results required a meticulous harmonization of the annual databases, in order to create a coherent whole. For example, the labels of the variables had to be reconciled in order to facilitate inter-temporal analyses.
In addition, a dictionary of variables, which includes all the questions asked since 2007 and the response methods, was published at the same time. The objective is to make the use of the dataset as accessible as possible.
Why open this data? Who could reuse it?This will give even more added value to the study: developers, companies, researchers, sociologists, or even journalists, will be able to use them to produce new analyses with a fresh look.
This approach is also part of a global policy of transparency of public data, as France hosts the Open Government Partnership global summit in December.
Under what license are they published?The dataset will be published under the Open Database License (ODbL) which, while making it accessible to all, allows to preserve its integrity.