Statistical information on local governments is disseminated by many actors in the institutional sphere. This poses two problems:
- the dissemination of information makes it little visible to users (institutional and general public);
- the diversity of formats - HTML pages, PDF documents, databases - makes them difficult to read.
To this end, statisticians from the Direction Générale des Collectivités Locales (DGCL) have developed a portal, Open collectivités, which centralizes " studies, statistics and local tools useful for decision-making, research or public debate".
The Open Community portal is intended for two audiences:
- public employees from local authorities, public statistics departments or central administrations;
- civil society: citizens, journalists, researchers...
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Statistical publications, data and practical tools
The selected solution solution is based on two bricks:- summary sheets presenting key data for each local authority (city, EPCI, department, region) Open Collectivités retrieves socio-economic and grant data on local authorities from the ASPIC database (partially exposed on the BANATIC site). These data are presented in the form of "cards" for each commune and EPCI. Departments and regions will soon have their own files as well. Users can also compare up to 4 communities and export the selection in CSV.
- a library of statistical publications, datasets and tools on local authorities Open Collectivités gathers the publications of ministerial statistical services via RSS feeds from the statistical services that have them. Users can use various cross-filters (theme, type of local authority, type of resource, author, date of publication) to find precisely the publications that interest them.
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