In December 2017, the Government, the associations of elected officials who are partners in the National Conference of Territories, local authorities and local public or private actors, undertook to jointly develop a national strategy for inclusive digital.
This strategy should make it possible to formalize common objectives, to federate and coordinate the various players, to better define the roles of each of them and to unite the means and efforts of all, to make collective action more effective for citizens. aimed at helping the 13 million French people left on the sidelines by the development of the Internet in economic and social life.
The co-development phase was based on 4 working groups
- Reaching and orienting target audiences
- Structuring the offer of mediation and digital training
- Economic consolidation and increase in the capacity of the actors to act
- Inspiring local governance models and strategies
It details numerous recommendations, 11 of which are specified below:
- Provide local authorities with an online platform that aggregates guidelines, tools, resources and best practices
- Make available a Rapid Response Kit for digital caregivers: this kit provides caregivers (social workers, reception agents, family caregivers, volunteers, civic services) with tools to support people in difficulty. It will include a training tool, best practices, a code of ethics, models of digital service sites, etc.
- To have "mirror" sites for each dematerialized public service allowing digital caregivers to simulate online procedures without manipulating the personal data of the person being assisted
- Set up a "PIX Grand Beginners" skills course with the PIX online digital skills assessment and certification platform
- Accelerate the training of digital caregivers through the implementation of a training plan for volunteers and civic services
- Support the development and attractiveness of digital mediation professions
- Aggregate public and private resources within the framework of a collective mobilization of the "Support Fund for Digital Inclusion" type
- Deploy nationally the "digital culture voucher" system, which will make it possible to direct funding towards people who need digital support and to consolidate digital mediation sites in a service quality approach
- Encourage the emergence of inter-departmental structures on digital inclusion and cultures, to provide additional capacities and carry out structuring actions for local actors (engineering, resources, mutualization, etc.)
- Include digital inclusion inpre-existing dialogue bodies at the territorial level by favouring governance based on three levels (national, intermediate and local).
- Establish an annual national event "Numérique en Commun" dedicated to inclusion and digital cultures.
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