At a time when France is affected by an unprecedented health crisis and to support the efforts of public services and in particular healthcare personnel, many companies have committed themselves to supporting them by providing material or financial assistance.
The objective of #GardonsLeLien: to send thousands of digital tablets to hospitals, EHPAD and health and social structures to ensure the connection between patients with Covid-19 and their relatives. The aim is to break the isolation of patients and ease the anxiety of their families.
This initiative was imagined and initiated by the Collective of companies for a more inclusive economy in France created in December 2018 by Thomas Buberl and Emmanuel Faber. The commitment of several of its members, especially ADP Group, AXA, Crédit Agricole, Danone, Microsoft France, Orange, Sodexo, allowed the financing of the equipment and the costs of the initial test.
This initiative is deployed by the Simplon Foundation and relies on many supporters:
- The manufacturers and distributors of computer equipment - ACER, ASUS, CDiscount, FNAC-Darty, HP, Intel, Lenovo - have mobilized to donate or provide new equipment at solidarity prices, up to 30,000 pieces to date.
- The one of Orange which offers 1000 Dominos to connect to the Internet with 4G connection solutions, which will allow 8 wifi connections simultaneously and 50 gigas packages for 2 months.
- That of social and solidarity companies and the circular economy - Arès, ATF, the federation of reuse and repair Rcube and Recommerce - already engaged in operations on their side: they joined the device, providing stocks of reconditioned equipment - estimated at 10,000 pieces - as well as reconditioning capacities, to receive donations of equipment from companies, and means of shipping equipment to beneficiary institutions.
- The Fondation de France, other companies and foundations, as well as individuals who provide financial and material support to #GardonsLeLien. The complete list of these actors can be found on the Simplon Foundation's website.
- Beneficiaries are provided with equipment through two call centers, one managed by Microsoft France and the other by the Solidarité Numérique, a help center launched by MedNum (a cooperative of digital mediation actors) and supported by the French State Secretariat for Digital Affairs.
- The initiative "LaVoixDeNosSoignants", a digital platform also launched by the Collectif d'Entreprises pour une Économie plus Inclusive, designed and developed free of charge by OnePoint, and intended to collect the needs of caregivers in terms of equipment and services and to put these needs in contact with the world of donors of equipment, services or financial contributions, within the framework of an unprecedented surge of solidarity.
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