A benchmark study led by Arcep, CGE, Arcom and ANCT
Initiated in 2000, the objectives of this study are to:
- measure the adoption of digital equipment by the French and study digital practices;
- detect inequalities in access and skills, whether voluntary or involuntary;
- enable public authorities to anticipate major trends and implement a policy that encourages everyone to embrace digital technology.
In 2024, the survey was carried out from July 5 to August 6, 2024 among 4,066 people residing in mainland France, divided into three distinct target populations (12 to 17 years old, 18 years old and over, 18 years old and over far from digital), with adapted questionnaires and specific quotas, and thanks to two types of collection:
- Online: 3,257 people aged 18 and over were interviewed in the living conditions survey (CDV). In addition, 208 people aged 12 to 17 were interviewed with the prior consent of one of their parents.
- By telephone: 601 people aged 18 and over referred to in the report as "digital outsiders" (i.e. not having a fixed Internet connection at home) were interviewed using quotas drawn from the Insee ICT survey.
- The questionnaire and approach are adapted for minors.
- Results are adjusted and representative of the entire population aged 12 and over.
Open data
All survey data since 2007 is available as open data on the website data.gouv.fr.
Digital Barometer 2024 documents
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The French, ever more Internet users
Internet users, whatever their connection mode, have never been so numerous: 94% of those aged 12 and over now connect to the Internet (+3 points compared with 2023), and 82% do so every day. Smartphones are the most widespread digital equipment: 91% of the population own one, ahead of computers (89%) and tablets (54%). Its adoption by 12-17 year-olds is almost systematic (96%), and those aged 70 and over are increasingly equipped with one (70%, +8 points in one year). Ownership of smartphones compatible with the 5G network, in particular, has accelerated (+13 points in one year to reach 44% ownership among the population as a whole).

Connected speakers are also attracting growing interest: 33% of the population have a connected speaker (+4 points in one year). More generally, over the past few years, connected objects have become increasingly widespread among the population, whether in the fields of health, security, home automation or household appliances. By 2024, 40% of the population will own at least one of these objects.
The spread of fiber throughout the country is keeping pace with connectivity needs: of the 84% of people with a fixed Internet connection at home in 2024, 75% had a subscription using fiber or cable technology, whereas copper (DSL) was still in the majority four years earlier, in 2020. The year 2024 also saw a sharp rise in the number of fiber optic subscribers in less densely populated communities with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants. This rate now stands at 69%, close to that of the population as a whole.

Mobile networks are also increasingly used as the main connection mode, especially among younger people: 19% of 18-24 year olds (+9 points compared to 2020) and 15% of 25-39 year olds (+7 points compared to 2020) use their mobile connection exclusively to use the Internet.

In terms of usage, too, smartphones are at the forefront of digital practices: 80% of the population use a cell phone or smartphone on a daily basis, an increase of 4 points in one year. Over the same period, daily computer use has fallen back slightly (55%, -3 points), with tablets still less widely used (22%, -1 point).
While young people aged 12-17 have been using their smartphones on a daily basis for many years, around nine out of ten people over 70 are also increasingly connected. In 2024, almost two-thirds of them used their smartphones on a daily basis. This compares with less than four in ten in 2017. However, they spend far fewer hours online: 56% of 18-24 year-olds say they spend more than 2 hours a day online, compared with 19% of those aged 70 and over.

All mobile uses are on the increase: 89% of respondents use their smartphone to surf the web (+4 points in one year), 85% to send messages via instant messaging applications (+5 points), 78% to make phone calls via applications (+4 points), and just as many to download applications (78%, +6 points). What's more, 28% of smartphone owners say they use their device for contactless payments, particularly the 18-24 age group (49%).

The spread of Internet uses and associated services is raising new challenges. The Digital Market Act (DMA), which came into force throughout the European Union on March 6, 2024, aims to ensure fair and open digital markets. While 82% of smartphone owners most often use the browser offered by the default OS, four months after this regulation came into force, a quarter of users who were aware of this regulatory provision changed their browser.
For some services, such as online cloud storage, the choice of host is also often made by default. Thus, among the 50% of users of these services, 41% of free cloud users and 25% of those using a paid service declare that they have chosen the option offered by default (for example, integrated into their operating system or other associated services).
Consumption of live TV and audio content via the TV set and radio is in the majority, with the development of online and time-shifted uses, particularly among younger audiences.
In 2024, the French remain very attached to television. While multi-equipment is on the decline, more than 9 out of 10 (94%) of them own at least one TV set, and 92% watch TV programs, most often on a TV set (87%). On the other hand, while young people still consume television programs, they make greater use of other digital screens to watch them: almost half of 18-24 year-olds most often use a computer, tablet or smartphone.
On the whole, when viewing is done on a smartphone, computer or tablet, it's above all to be able to watch programs at the desired time (42% of first responses), or on the move, for example on public transport or while traveling (19%).
Generally speaking, the majority of TV channel viewers watch their programs live (91% on average for all programs, with a range from 80% for 18-24 year-olds to 98% for those aged 70 and over), whatever the type of program. However, with the technical possibilities offered by the rise of connected TV and digitization in general, 43% of viewers watch at least one type of program on a delayed basis, and in particular films, series and music programs. Overall, this type of viewing is adopted more by younger viewers: 72% of 18-24 year-olds declare replay consumption, a share that drops to 25% among those aged 70 and over. The medium used also has a strong influence on viewing habits. Indeed, consumers of TV programs on computers and smartphones are more likely to access delayed content than live content, and while live viewing is more systematic for TV users, 47% of those equipped with smart TV say they use delayed viewing.

Finally, the development of time-shifted viewing is accompanied by the adoption of video-on-demand (VOD) services. Ten years after the arrival of the first platforms, in 2024, 56% of people aged 12 and over claim to have at least one VOD subscription, which may include several accounts enabling them to watch series or films on several simultaneously.

Radio and audio content habits are also evolving in line with the digitization of society, and Internet listening is on the increase. Nearly a third (30%) of radio and audio content listeners now prefer to listen via the Internet - an increase of 4 points in one year - and 12% listen to their programs via both the terrestrial network and the Internet.

Two-thirds of Internet listeners are mainly motivated by practical reasons: 65% mention a reason relating to the possibility of listening to the radio or audio content at the desired time (time-shifted, on-demand), at the desired location (on public transport, on foot, at work) or on the desired equipment(smartphone, tablet, computer).
As with television, whatever the type of program, live listening is the most popular: 85% of listeners watch at least one program live, compared to 19% who watch it on a delayed basis, and 29% who watch it live or on a delayed basis via an online audio or video platform such as Deezer, Spotify or YouTube. Delayed listening is particularly popular for programs, debates and reports (16%).
An ambivalent relationship with digital technology, between intensive connection and the desire to disconnect
The uses of the Internet are numerous and widespread among the population: 75% of French people use it to look for travel itineraries, 67% use it to book medical appointments, 31% use it to defend causes, for example in the form of petitions, 29% use it to look for accommodation to rent or buy, and just as many (29%) use it to look for jobs.
Online administrative procedures have become common practice for a large majority of the French population. In 2024, 73% of French people have carried out an administrative procedure on the Internet in the last twelve months, marking a 2-point increase on 2022. These procedures are on the rise among older people (50%, +7 points among the over-70s), but on the decline among younger people (45%, -6 points among 12 to 17 year-olds).
After a decline in 2023, online purchases of non-food goods rose again in 2024, returning to the levels seen in 2022. 77% of the French population made an online purchase (+4 points in one year). All categories of the population are concerned, with the exception of 18-24 year-olds, who are harder hit by inflation (69% of purchases made by this age group in 2024 versus 82% in 2022).
Clothing is particularly well-suited to online purchasing: 56% of French people have bought clothing over the Internet, ahead of books and music (40%), for which the number of digital purchases has soared since 2006 (+26 points) with the rise of subscription platforms.
Services and food products are also attractive: 38% have made hotel or vacation rental reservations over the Internet, 33% have ordered train or plane tickets, and 33% have purchased food products.
Internet consumption practices also concern second-hand goods: 52% have made less than one purchase or sale in the last twelve months on websites specializing in second-hand goods.
Another key use of the Internet is the growing daily use of social networks: 75% of Internet users consult a social network at least once a day (+3 points in one year). Consultation of these social networks is often more passive than active. 62% of social network users read content and comments posted by others every day, but only 29% share or comment on content created by others on a daily basis. One in five (19%) publish content they've created themselves (texts, videos, photos...) every day. Disparities by age are significant: only 45% of those aged 70 and over publish personal content on social networks, whether every day or less often, compared with 76% of 12-17 year-olds.

As a result of these multiple uses, 41% of the population claim to spend more than three hours a day in front of screens for personal use, with half of them (20% of the population) spending more than 5 hours a day. This use of screens goes hand in hand with the feeling of spending too much time on them. More than four out of ten people say they spend too much time on them. What's more, the feeling that screens are used too intensively increases with their use. In fact, 57% of people who say they watch screens for more than 5 hours a day consider that they spend too much time on them, as do 45% of people who spend between 3 and 5 hours on them, compared with a quarter (25%) of those who spend 2 hours a day or less.

Generally speaking, 65% of the population prefers to carry out an activity in their daily lives in person, rather than online. 82%, for example, prefer to store in-store for their groceries, and 64% for their clothes.
What's more, 85% of French people prefer to meet people in person in places where they live, rather than on the Internet, which seems to be becoming a more targeted social space than in the past. As a result, the number of French people who have used the internet to meet up with old acquaintances (39%, -11 points) and to establish links with new people (34%, -10 points) is down sharply on 2019. The only exception is socializing for romantic purposes, which has risen from 15% in 2019 to 19% in 2024.
Concern about the lack of protection for personal data, which had fallen considerably since 2019, has risen by 13 points in the space of a year (33%). This resurgence could be explained by the emergence of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, which raise the question of data management in new ways. And indeed, mistrust of artificial intelligence remains in the majority (56%). The risks of job destruction (62%) and the negative consequences for artistic creation (53%) are the two reasons for concern most frequently associated with the development of artificial intelligence, closely followed by damage to the environment (increased consumption of resources), sustainable development (48%) or fears of impacts on education and training (47%).
The use of artificial intelligence tools is growing strongly: 33% of French people have already used them in 2024, compared with 20% in 2023. Use in the context of private life dominates (26%, +10 points in one year), and just exceeds that linked to professional life (22%, also +10 points over the same period). Mistrust of these artificial intelligence tools decreases with personal use: only 26% of people who have already used one of these tools are mistrustful of artificial intelligence (vs. 71% of those who have never used one), suggesting a greater acceptance of these tools in the future.

Environment: digital technology and users' economic and ecological choices
To limit the growth in the environmental impact of digital technology, as estimated in a joint study by ADEME and Arcep, a number of recommendations have been made, such as choosing more virtuous devices and uses, limiting the number of devices owned, and extending their useful life.
In 2024, households owned an average of 9.6 digital devices with screens, of which 1.8 were unused and could be recycled or sold. The decline in the number of digital devices with screens recorded is significant: -0.7 devices per household in one year. This drop mainly concerns unused devices. In 2024, 19 out of every 100 digital devices with screens owned by households were unused (versus 23 a year earlier).

Unused smartphones, for example, are mostly kept: 52% of respondents say they have kept their old smartphone, while 26% have given it away or sold it, and 20% have disposed of it for recycling. Although recycling is still a minority practice, the proportion of the population using it will increase in 2024: +5 points compared to 2023.
Another interesting development is that smartphone owners seem more inclined to keep their devices for longer. By 2024, more than a quarter of all smartphone owners had held their device for three years or more, up from 16% four years earlier. Age is the main factor influencing length of ownership: naturally, younger people own very recent devices. Those aged 60 and over, on the other hand, do not hesitate to keep them for longer (43% of those aged 70 and over have held them for more than three years, compared with 27% of all those equipped on average, and 14% of 18-24 year-olds).

We also note that, between 2020 and 2024, smartphone replacements are made more out of necessity (70%, +8 points) and less often as a "pleasure" purchase (21%, -4 points). However, this trend is taking place against a backdrop of pressure on household purchasing power, which may explain these movements.

The anti-waste law for a circular economy (Loi AGEC), adopted in February 2020, aims to transform the economic model by promoting the circular economy and reducing waste. One of the main thrusts of the AGEC law is to better inform consumers. As such, internet and telephony operators are now obliged to inform their customers about the carbon footprint of their digital data consumption. This measure came into force on January 1, 2022.
When asked about their awareness of these new provisions, the majority of people with a fixed Internet connection (62%) are unaware that their operator provides them with information on the carbon impact of their consumption. What's more, around a third of those informed either don't consult this data at all, or do so only very rarely. Finally, of those who are aware of this information, just over half - 14% of all people aged 18 and over with a fixed Internet connection at home - say it encourages them to limit their data consumption. The same applies to mobile subscribers. In fact, limiting data consumption is rarely identified as a lever for reducing the environmental footprint of digital technology: in 2023, 20% of the population aged 12 and over with a fixed home internet connection considered limiting their data consumption on mobile networks as one of the three most effective uses, and only 13% mentioned limiting their data consumption on fixed networks.
For the time being, while legislation is being complied with and operators are effectively communicating this information, a great deal of public information and awareness-raising remains to be done to ensure that the public is aware that this information exists, and that they take note of it so that they can act accordingly, ultimatelywill be encouraged to modify their practices and thus their consumption.

Digital appropriation: despite a more comfortable French population, persistent obstacles to digital use and a desire for support to remedy difficulties
The impact of digital technology on French people's lives is highly dependent on socio-cultural context. Overall, two-thirds of French people (67%) believe that digital technology makes their daily lives easier (up 4 points on 2023). However, the proportion is completely reversed for French people with no qualifications: almost 60% of them believe that digital technology complicates or has no effect on their daily lives. While the use of digital technology is widespread, almost two-thirds (65%) of people feel apprehensive about using the Internet and digital tools. First and foremost, the French fear inappropriate use of their personal data (28%), followed by scams, fraud and harassment (19%). Moreover, the lack of protection for personal data is the main obstacle to using the Internet, affecting a third of respondents, an increase of 13 points compared to 2023, whereas this rate has been declining in recent years. In addition, the French also fear making mistakes (9%) or lack confidence in their digital skills. Contrary to preconceived ideas that younger people, as "digital natives", are all totally at ease with new digital technologies, young adults (18-24) are actually the most worried about digital use, with 76% feeling at least one fear.

A large proportion of the population reports various obstacles to full use of digital tools, but this proportion is significantly reduced for the first time since 2022. Whereas in 2022, 48% of the population surveyed were hindered in their full use of digital tools (45% in 2023), only 36% of the population is concerned in 2024. The feeling of not having sufficient mastery of IT tools to be able to use them fully remains the main obstacle to full use of digital technology in the French population (20%).

Over and above the barriers to digital use experienced by the French, almost one in two French people limits their digital use, in particular for financial reasons linked to the cost of equipment and/or Internet subscriptions (20%). It's interesting to note that limits to digital use are highly dependent on the situation of Internet use. Indeed, almost 80% of French non-internet users limit their digital usage, mainly out of disinterest or rejection of digital technology (59% and 51% respectively). This last result invites us to go beyond a vision of digital inclusion that would be centered on the sole objective of connection for all, to focus more on the perceived potential and results obtained by individuals in their digital uses.
Another major difficulty encountered when using the Internet: online administrative procedures. Nearly one French person in two (44%) encounters difficulties in carrying out administrative procedures online. However, it is interesting to note that the main difficulties cited by the French are not related to their digital skills (11%), but more to the effects of the disintermediation of the citizen-administration relationship produced by dematerialization (47%). More precisely, when they encounter difficulties with their online procedures, the French give priority to fear of making a mistake (18%), lack of understanding of what they are being asked to do (13%) or poor design of the website (16%). Indeed, direct contact with the authorities, via the Internet, requires individuals to master the language and procedures of the administration in particular. Thus, to carry out this type of online procedure, administrative skills that are not initially linked to digital technology are required. In this context, it is interesting to note that young adults (aged 18-24) are by far the most likely to experience difficulties in carrying out administrative procedures online (69% encounter at least one difficulty).

Faced with these difficulties of use, almost a third of French people (32%) would like to benefit from free digital learning support, and 10% have already benefited from such support (mainly in an association or at home). In other words, almost one French person in two would like to see a public digital mediation service to help them get to grips with digital technologies. In line with this learning approach, 8 out of 10 French people have never assessed their digital skills.

Internet protection: young Internet users are the most active online, but also the most informed
Nearly four out of ten people (38%) see no specific obstacles to using the Internet. After peaking at 43% in 2023, this proportion will return to the level observed before the health crisis.
Limiting disincentives to Internet use also involves raising awareness of best practices and the use of protection tools.
Users of social networks and video-sharing platforms are only partially using the tools made available to them by the platforms: 41% say they have read the T&Cs (and this proportion is down from 47% last year), and only 44% have used a device to report an account or an inappropriate account (stable). These reporting mechanisms are judged to be easy to understand (80%), simple to use (83%) and easily accessible (84%), up 3 points on the previous year. The main reason for non-reporting is the absence of inappropriate accounts or content (59%). However, more than one in five (22%) who have never reported are in some way prevented from doing so, either through ignorance of the system, or fear that it will be used against them.
It's worth noting that young adults (18-24), who are among the most likely to use social networks and video-sharing platforms on a daily basis, are by far the most knowledgeable about these tools: 68% of them have consulted Terms of Use, and 77% have used a reporting system. For example, 65% of 18-24 year-olds who have consulted CGU found them useful, compared with 41% of those aged 70 and over, and 85% found them accessible, compared with 65% of those aged 70 and over.
The use of digital technology continues to spread in France, but inequalities persist in terms of skills and appropriation of tools. To meet these challenges, support, regulation and a transition to a more sustainable digital environment are priorities.