Digital at work: how information systems influence the lives of organizations and their employees.

Published on 14 February 2024


« The omnipresence of information systems and their specific characteristics have a profound and long-term influence on the way organizations function, and on the lives of their members. Unilateral overhauls of processes, (undiscussed) attribution to the information system of decisions previously taken by individuals, omnipresence and (disproportionate) power of indicators: all sectors and functions of organizations are now concerned. »

Maryse Salles and Raphaëlle Bour

  • Digital at work, a political moment?

Linked articles

Digital at work: how information systems influence the lives of organizations and their employees.

« The omnipresence of information systems and their specific characteristics have a profound and long-term influence on the way organizations function, and on the lives of their members. Unilateral overhauls of processes, (undiscussed) attribution to the information system of decisions previously taken by individuals, omnipresence and (disproportionate) power of indicators: all sectors and functions of organizations are now concerned. »

Maryse Salles and Raphaëlle Bour

  • Digital at work, a political moment?