« Whether it is to consult job offers, to create and make visible one's curriculum vitae, to organize one's trip to a job interview, to access one's administrative file at the Pôle emploi (...), understanding and appropriating digital tools are essential today, even unavoidable. What about the inhabitants of the city's political districts? What are their digital practices? How do they deal with digital inequalities, especially in terms of employment? Can digital technology be an opportunity for employment? And if so, under what conditions? »

The Cahiers du développement social urbain devotes a very comprehensive file (more than twenty contributions) to the digital practices of the inhabitants of priority neighborhoods, particularly for access to employment and training.
The first part of the file documents the situation of the inhabitants of priority neighborhoods faced with digital inequalities.
The second part offers elements of understanding on how public policies address the issue of digital transition, particularly in the field of professional integration. "The aim is to show the responses that have been put in place, from the national to the local level, to support the inhabitants of these neighborhoods in the digital transition to and within employment.
The third part focuses on the employment opportunities offered by digital technology: "Can digital technology be a support, a response, to not only facilitate access to employment but also to create employment?"
Digital, employment, priority neighborhoods: when inequalities intersect
- Fabien Granjon: Social-digital inequalities: sociological deciphering,
- Philippe Archias: The inhabitants of priority neighborhoods are not excluded from the digital world,
- Richard Nordier: The digital job search practices of inner-city residents,
- Estelle Jardin and Sophie Vicario: Job search in the working-class neighborhoods of Clermont-Ferrand: dematerialization, but at what cost?
- Clémentine Nicolas and Emmanuelle Roigt: Pôle emploi's digital strategy for job seekers,
- Vincent Mandinaud, Christophe Teissier, Amandine Brugière and Philippe Archias: For an inclusive digital transformation of VSEs and SMEs
From national to local: responses are being organized
- Léa Gislais: The national strategy for an inclusive digital environment: what are the implications for the city's political districts?
- Hugo Brunon and Hélène Colson: The Metropolis of Lyon, pilot territory for the deployment of France Services digital advisors,
- Quentin Bolgiani: Digital advisor: the Swiss army knife of digital support!
- Coline Siguier Rigoni, Marianne Khoulé Tall and Carole Schmitt: Technology and practices evolve... so does digital mediation!
- Salim Dahbi: The development of digital empowerment: a response to the problems of socio-professional integration?
- Stéphane Rougeon: Lifting the barriers to digital technology: an asset for women seeking employment,
- Digital access to employment: a community's voice, Siham Labich
Digital, a new face for employment
- Philippe Zymek: Employment opportunities for all..,
- Dorie Bruyas: Are the web professions really an opportunity for young people from priority neighbourhoods?
- Victor Baysang-Michelin and Gabriel Jobin: The computer and digital reconditioning industry: a source of jobs for the territories
- Anthony Babkine and Nadim Bel Lallahom: Attracting more women from working-class neighborhoods to digital professions: a challenge
- Adeline Laurance Miaille: Matching: one click, one offer, one application
- Caroline Ronin : Identifying and enhancing digital skills: a winning bet for access to employment
- Mathias Dufour, Romain Rabier and Claire Stride: Digital for professional inclusion: proposals for the future,
- Coline Thébault : Digital glossary
- Muriel Salort : Bibliography
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