Pôle emploi has opened the portal Data Employment portal: a digital space that aggregates all available data on the labor market, up to date, on the whole territory, employment area by employment area.
Référence :
This tool presents, through interactive maps, multiple indicators on the labor market in a given territory, such as
- The dynamics of employment in the territory ;
- The sectors that recruit the most ;
- The characteristics of the job offers available to date ;
- Types of contracts signed;
- The number of job seekers;
- The profile of job seekers, including their training profiles;
- The most held and sought after skills;
- The most sought-after professions.
This information comes from the Pôle emploi database (which the operator, in permanent contact with the economic players in the region, aggregates on a daily basis) but also from some external data (INSEE, DARES, etc.).
With Data Emploi, it is now possible to detail information on employment by region/department/intercommunity but also to compare employment areas on a variety of indicators.
Data Emploi responds to the demand of decision-makers or local elected officials who wish to know and understand the employment situation in their territory.
It is also intended for all of Pôle emploi's partners, companies, associations and other economic players in the field who wish to access a set of personalized data relating to the territories in which they have structured their activities. It is also designed for counselors who will be able to have a broader vision of employment in their territory, facilitating advice to job seekers in need of mobility.
Data Emploi is a useful complement to the Open Collectivities portal.
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