The "Working Conditions" survey, conducted by INSEE and DARES (Direction de l'animation de la recherche, des études et des statistiques du Ministère du Travail) is the only survey on working conditions of this magnitude covering all employed persons. The survey is now conducted as a panel every three years. It includes a series of questions on the use of computers at work.
The first results of this survey have been published by the Dares.
It was learned that 79% of employees used computers in their work in 2019, 71% in 2013 and 60% in 2005.
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Its use is increasing among commercial and service employees and blue collar workers, while it is widespread among almost all managers and intermediate professions.
Six out of ten employees use the Internet for their professional activity, compared to 51% in 2013 and 35% in 2005. This use is particularly widespread among executives (94%) and intermediate professions (83%).
At the same time, the use of laptops is increasing: 32% of employees use them for their professional activities, compared to 24% in 2003 and 13% in 2005. This is the case for 72% of managers, but only 11% of sales and service employees, and 5% of unskilled workers.
51% of employees use cell phones at work (45% in 2013, 32% in 2005). It is also frequently used by executives (54%) but its use is increasing strongly among employees in commerce and services.
The Working Conditions survey has been conducted for 40 years, every 7 years from 1978 to 2013, and then every 3 years. It covers all employed persons. The Dares emphasizes that "
technological developments make it difficult to maintain identical questions in the various editions. The equipment or uses recorded have thus been modified between the 1998 and 2005 surveys, and since 2013.