On March 23, 2017, the M@rsouin Scientific Interest Group published the first results of a national survey on the digital uses of the French and the power to act (empowerment), funded by theDigital Agency, as part of the Digital Society program, and by theNational Research Agency.
You can download the report by clicking on the image.
- Discover a panorama of the first results
- Download the Capacity survey questionnaire
- Learn more about the report delivery event
Find the data on our space data.gouv.fr, view the data on the platform Shiny M@rsouin.
Discover the Capacity surveyThe national Capacity survey was conducted as part of the Capacity research project (2015-2018), which seeks to qualify the power to act in the digital age. This project, coordinated by the FING, associates the University of Rennes2 (CREAD laboratory) and IMT Atlantique (with the M@rsouin observatory). Funded by the French National Research Agency, it is based on field surveys (ethnography, interviews) and this quantitative survey.
The questionnaire was asked of a sample of 2,000 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over, according to the quota method by gender, age, CSP, region and urban area size. The survey was conducted by KANTAR TNS in November and December 2016. The database is available free of charge in CSV format on the Shiny M@rsouin platform (https://marsouin.shinyapps.io) as well as on the Agence du Numérique Laboratory.
This questionnaire is part of the World Internet Project (WIP), an international collaborative research project involving institutions from more than 30 countries on all continents. The main objective of the WIP is to agree on a set of common questions to be included in these national surveys, in order to have internationally comparable indicators on the evolution of digital uses.
The report and the survey data will be published in Open Data on March 23 on the Agence du Numérique's Laboratory: http: //laboratoire.agencedunumerique.gouv.fr
- Round-table discussion from 2 to 3:30 pm: IMT Atlantique, 655 Avenue du Technopôle, 29280 Plouzané
- Introduction workshop from 4pm to 6pm: Digital Canteen, Médiathèque des Capucins, 25 Rue de Pontaniou, 29200 Brest
The scientific interest group M@rsouin
M@rsouin is a Scientific Interest Group created in 2002 on the initiative of the regional council of Brittany. It brings together research teams in the humanities and social sciences from the four Breton universities and three grandes écoles that work on digital uses. Thus, M@rsouin brings together multidisciplinary teams who share a common interest in the upheavals brought about by digital technology in our societies. Its observatory regularly provides an overview of digital uses.http://www.marsouin.org @gis_marsouinThe Agence du Numérique and the Digital Society program
The Agence du Numérique, which is attached to the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, aims to prepare French society as a whole for the digital revolution so that it is ready to seize the opportunities it offers, in terms of growth and jobs, as well as the efficiency of public services, regional planning and the strengthening of social ties. It consists of three areas: the Very High Speed Broadband plan, the French Tech initiative and the Digital Society program.The Digital Society cluster's action is based on a close association with local authorities and committed local players in order to make digital opportunities accessible to the entire population.
The Digital Analysis and Deciphering Laboratory is a flagship initiative of this cluster. It aims to conduct surveys on the digital practices of the French and to aggregate data and knowledge under open license in order to better understand usage and guide public policy. The goal of this contributory space, launched last November, is to qualify and quantify the changes brought about by digital technology, by providing detailed and scientific information from a wide range of stakeholders (academics, local authorities, associations, etc.).
www.agencedunumerique.gouv.fr @AgencyNumeriqueThe World Internet Project
The questionnaire of the survey integrates the "common questions" to each member country of the WIP (World Internet Project) in which M@rsouin participates for the first time.The World Internet Project is an international collaborative research project involving institutions from more than 30 countries on all continents. It originated at the Center for Communication Policy at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and was founded with the NTU School of Communication Studies in Singapore and the Osservatorio Internet Italia Observatory at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. The WIP network brings together research centers that devote their work to analyzing the social, economic and political transformations linked to the evolution of digital uses and regularly conduct surveys on digital uses among a representative sample of the population in their country.
The main objective of the WIP is to agree on a common set of questions to be included in these national surveys, in order to have internationally comparable indicators.
Since 2015, France has been represented in the WIP by Gis M@rsouin, which thus takes over from the Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po (CEVIPOF). The Capacity survey is the first opportunity for M@rsouin to participate in the WIP project by providing data on digital uses in France.
The WIP regularly publishes a report based on the data collected in member countries. The integration of the WIP common questions in the Capacity survey questionnaire will allow us to compare the results of this survey with those of other countries, on a certain number of indicators; this will feed the work of the Digital Agency Laboratory.
www.worldinternetproject.netThe Capacity Project
The question of empowerment in the digital age is at the heart of the Capacity research project (2015-2018), which brings together researchers from several disciplines and complementary methodologies: observation and ethnography of different social environments in Brittany, Paris, Saint Etienne and Marseille, interviews, analysisof documents and data, national questionnaire. The project is coordinated by the FING, whose work seeks to explore the empowering potential of digital technology. The team from the University of Rennes2 and CREAD brings its understanding of inclusion, inequality and education issues related to digital technology. The ITM Atlantic team brings the expertise of the M@rsouin observatory and its work on digital communities and the geography of innovation. Like the Agence du numérique, several public and associative actors are contributing to this project, which will provide them with keys to understanding and acting. Funded by the French National Research Agency, the project has been accredited by the Images&Réseaux and CapDigital competitiveness clusters.
Capacity explores several angles: social and educational inequalities; trajectories of appropriation and digital "powers"; "enabling environments", social, geographical, institutional. Its first productions will be published in early 2018.