The digital divide affects nearly 13 million people in France. Refugees are not left out and are very often victims of it.
During the summer, the Interministerial Delegation for the Reception and Integration of Refugees (Diair) used its public innovation laboratory,Lab'R, to develop, in conjunction with its institutional and associative partners, a strategy for fighting the digital divide.
This approach has resulted in a digital inclusion strategy for refugees, based on 4 axes:
Studying usage to better understand the needs of refugees
Improve access to computer equipment
Improving connectivity for refugees
To train as many people as possible in digital technology
Study the uses to better understand the needs
launch a national study on the digital uses of foreign newcomers.
Digital uses are constantly evolving in all strata of society as tools and equipment change. Newly arrived foreigners are no exception to the rule.
It is important to understand their digital usage in order to find solutions adapted to their needs.
This study would be updated every two years in order to follow the very rapid developments in this field
launch a flash survey on the digital uses of refugees.
The first elements can be collected as early as 2020 by means of a flash survey on the refugee public alone. It is indeed important to quickly build up an initial database in order to properly calibrate projects underway or planned in the near future.
Improve access to computer equipment
offer refurbished smartphones or tablets at an adapted price.
To use computer tools, anyone can use a smartphone, tablet, or laptop.
Smartphones and tablets are essential for maintaining social ties with family and friends. It is necessary to be able to offer access to this type of equipment at an appropriate price.
Offer refurbished laptops at an appropriate price.
"While the smartphone and tablet are interesting tools, the laptop offers the most versatility in its use.
A first solution is to agree with some manufacturers to equip those who need it. This solution has already been successfully tested to equip high school students, but it is expensive and does not create many jobs. A second solution is to look at the reconditioning sector. Green and less expensive, the devices offered are often perfectly adapted to the needs.
Improving connectivity for refugees
"Once equipped, it is then necessary to have access to a quality internet network. There are two alternatives: the wired network (copper or optical fiber) and the mobile network (3G, 4G and tomorrow SG). Depending on usage and equipment, one or the other network is to be preferred. The challenge is to offer Internet access to everyone, regardless of their housing situation.deploying a mobile offer for all refugees who need it.
The aim is to " allow people to easily access a more traditional monthly subscription once their financial resources have stabilized and they have mastered the budget dedicated to telecommunications".
Equip CPHs with internet boxes."Refugee housing centers (CPH) must be able to offer a robust and fast network that provides each resident with an operational Wifi. We need to work with them to remove the financial and legal obstacles to equipment.
Digital training
to propose an offer adapted to the needs of refugees to train the greatest number of people in digital skills
"Even with a laptop and a good connection, many refugees are still lost when it comes to their tools. Training in digital tools has been neglected for too long, but it is becoming increasingly essential, especially for professional use. (...) A catalog of basic digital uses must be consolidated in order to calibrate the training courses. (...) Training courses on digital tools must be coupled with French language learning. The training courses may or may not lead to certification, depending on the needs of the individuals.
make digital mediation accessible to refugees."Coupled with these training courses, an assistance service for the use of digital technology could be created, like Digital Solidarity. This service would help people to complete online procedures (creating a self-employed business, requesting help with insulation of their home or other). It would also be a great source of feedback in order to improve online procedures.Digital mediation must be correlated with training in order to maintain a logic of increasing competence and empowerment.propose a training offer adapted to the expectations and needs of caregivers."Caregivers, especially social workers, are very much in demand to carry out administrative procedures online or to help them navigate the Internet. We need to think of a training offer adapted to their expectations and needs. Indeed, it becomes difficult to accompany a refugee online when you are in difficulty yourself.
The digital divide affects nearly 13 million people in France. Refugees are not left out and are very often victims of it.
During the summer, the Interministerial Delegation for the Reception and Integration of Refugees (Diair) used its public innovation laboratory,Lab'R, to develop, in conjunction with its institutional and associative partners, a strategy for fighting the digital divide.
This approach has resulted in a digital inclusion strategy for refugees, based on 4 axes:
Studying usage to better understand the needs of refugees
Improve access to computer equipment
Improving connectivity for refugees
To train as many people as possible in digital technology
Study the uses to better understand the needs
launch a national study on the digital uses of foreign newcomers.
Digital uses are constantly evolving in all strata of society as tools and equipment change. Newly arrived foreigners are no exception to the rule.
It is important to understand their digital usage in order to find solutions adapted to their needs.
This study would be updated every two years in order to follow the very rapid developments in this field
launch a flash survey on the digital uses of refugees.
The first elements can be collected as early as 2020 by means of a flash survey on the refugee public alone. It is indeed important to quickly build up an initial database in order to properly calibrate projects underway or planned in the near future.
Improve access to computer equipment
offer refurbished smartphones or tablets at an adapted price.
To use computer tools, anyone can use a smartphone, tablet, or laptop.
Smartphones and tablets are essential for maintaining social ties with family and friends. It is necessary to be able to offer access to this type of equipment at an appropriate price.
Offer refurbished laptops at an appropriate price.
"While the smartphone and tablet are interesting tools, the laptop offers the most versatility in its use.
A first solution is to agree with some manufacturers to equip those who need it. This solution has already been successfully tested to equip high school students, but it is expensive and does not create many jobs. A second solution is to look at the reconditioning sector. Green and less expensive, the devices offered are often perfectly adapted to the needs.
Improving connectivity for refugees
"Once equipped, it is then necessary to have access to a quality internet network. There are two alternatives: the wired network (copper or optical fiber) and the mobile network (3G, 4G and tomorrow SG). Depending on usage and equipment, one or the other network is to be preferred. The challenge is to offer Internet access to everyone, regardless of their housing situation.deploying a mobile offer for all refugees who need it.
The aim is to " allow people to easily access a more traditional monthly subscription once their financial resources have stabilized and they have mastered the budget dedicated to telecommunications".
Equip CPHs with internet boxes."Refugee housing centers (CPH) must be able to offer a robust and fast network that provides each resident with an operational Wifi. We need to work with them to remove the financial and legal obstacles to equipment.
Digital training
to propose an offer adapted to the needs of refugees to train the greatest number of people in digital skills
"Even with a laptop and a good connection, many refugees are still lost when it comes to their tools. Training in digital tools has been neglected for too long, but it is becoming increasingly essential, especially for professional use. (...) A catalog of basic digital uses must be consolidated in order to calibrate the training courses. (...) Training courses on digital tools must be coupled with French language learning. The training courses may or may not lead to certification, depending on the needs of the individuals.
make digital mediation accessible to refugees."Coupled with these training courses, an assistance service for the use of digital technology could be created, like Digital Solidarity. This service would help people to complete online procedures (creating a self-employed business, requesting help with insulation of their home or other). It would also be a great source of feedback in order to improve online procedures.Digital mediation must be correlated with training in order to maintain a logic of increasing competence and empowerment.propose a training offer adapted to the expectations and needs of caregivers."Caregivers, especially social workers, are very much in demand to carry out administrative procedures online or to help them navigate the Internet. We need to think of a training offer adapted to their expectations and needs. Indeed, it becomes difficult to accompany a refugee online when you are in difficulty yourself.