, the official website of the French administration, offers a new version of new version.
The last major overhaul of the site was in September 2015: the ergonomics, graphics and organization of content had been completely renovated at that time.
To help users better orient themselves on the site, find all the administrative information, online procedures or useful tools, the site is now presented through the "Life events" entry: "I'm moving", "I'm expecting a child", "I'm looking for a job", "I'm preparing my retirement"...
Users can also access information by "themes": Papers-Citizenship, Family, Social-Health, Work...
Online services, letter templates and simulators are accessible and grouped directly on the practical information sheets to ensure efficiency and ease of access. The Internet user can also access all the procedures and tools classified by type from the home page.
Co-construction with users
Throughout the redesign project, the editorial team refined each case so that all users would find their way around.She organized and led workshops with users with different profiles: senior citizens, people who are phobic about administrative procedures, people with problems understanding the French language, people in precarious situations and caregivers.
These volunteers helped to build the site, based on testimonies about their difficulties, their needs and their wishes for evolution.
More than 500 million visits in 2021
- In 2021, recorded over 500 million visits.
- The teams processed more than 200,000 messages from Internet users and answered more than 212,000 telephone calls from users.
- 5.7 million online procedures were carried out directly on requests for civil status certificates, registration on electoral lists, change of address to 15 administrations and services, etc,)
- The Service-Public newsletter has more than one million subscribers.
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