Can I post another person's video? How do I delete a photo on a social network? Who is responsible for cyberbullying? What role do the media play in addressing equality issues? Four independent authorities have chosen to answer many questions together by bringing together their resources in the first digital citizen educational kit.
The educational kit allows you to consult, online and free of charge, all the videos, tutorials, practical guides, educational games, reports and course material designed by the CNIL, the CSA, the Défenseur des droits and the Hadopi.
Who is this kit for?To trainers who will find the different resources available. This exhaustive documentation, these supports for their courses and pedagogical tools, will allow them to raise awareness among young people about the stakes of digital citizenship.
For parents, adults, young adults and even the youngest who will find various tools to better understand the uses and frame their practices.
4 main themes- Rights on the Internet
- Online Privacy Protection
- Respect for creation
- The reasoned and citizen use of screens
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