Five years after its launch, FranceConnect is now adopted by more than 20 million users. The FranceConnect button allows individuals to connect to online public services using one of their existing accounts (Tax, Ameli, IDN La Poste, Mobile Connect and Moi). FranceConnect does not require any prior registration and avoids the need for users to memorize multiple IDs and passwords.
There are currently about 900 services accessible with the FranceConnect button, of which less than a hundred are from the private sector.
The services most used with FranceConnect are the Agence nationale des titres sécurisés (ANTS), pension organizations, the training account and social housing applications.
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A goal of 30 million users by the end of 2022
FranceConnect records more than ten million connections per month and an average of 550,000 new users each month.FranceConnect will be opened in March to Pôle Emploi and in July to CAF. The goal is to reach 30 million users by 2022.
By May 2021, FranceConnect+ will be launched for procedures requiring a higher level of security. The connection to European digital identities is planned for the summer.
EduConnect: a single account to follow and support schooling
EduConnect replaces the login and password used until now by students and their parents. It simplifies access to monitoring and support for children's schooling and to digital education resources.Linked to the FranceConnect system, Educonnect provides access to- online procedures, in particular for scholarship applications, updating of information sheets;
- to the school book ;
- to the digital workspace (ENT).
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Extension of FranceConnect "on an experimental basis" to many sectors
An order published in the Official Journal on May 21 expands "on an experimental basis" the list of legal entities that can use the FranceConnect teleservice.This extension concerns the health, social and medico-social sectors, education and higher education, school and extracurricular services, transport of persons, the issuing of professional certificates as well as the rental of real estate or vehicles.
This experiment, "conducted with a maximum number of 100 legal entities, is intended to determine the new sectors of activity that would benefit from using FranceConnect in order to improve the services provided to their users.
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