It was in 2008 that the first French co-working space, La Cantine, opened its doors. Since then, the number of spaces for shared work in France has risen from 360 in 2015 to 600 in 2017. The coworking index, carried out by BAP (a coworking space operator) lists 1,700 in 2019: more than one million m2. Two thirds of them are less than 3 years old.
8% of spaces have more than 200 stations but represent 45% of the total market area
According to Cécile Peghaire, Communications Manager at BAP (BureauxAPartager), there are two different coworking markets. "On the one hand, the market of small independent spaces: 40% of the spaces have less than 20 workstations. And on the other hand, the very large spaces operated by large coworking players. "There are about ten large players with several large spaces and behind them, a multitude of small independent players. The coworking market can be compared to the hotel industry, with a few big players and a multitude of independents. Only 8% of spaces have more than 200 workstations, but they alone represent 45% of the market.
35% of shared workspaces are located in the Paris region
Paris and the Ile-de-France region account for 35% of the space (Paris alone accounts for 23%).
The Paris region (including Paris) and France's ten largest cities account for 58% of coworking spaces, or 72% of the total surface area in terms of m2. Ile-de-France alone accounts for 56% of the square meters.
Coworking is becoming more sedentary
"At the beginning, coworking was born out of a need for freelancers to have a place to meet and work outside their homes. The offer was then clearly marked by nomadism, i.e., positions to rent by the day or by the hour. In 2019, many small and medium-sized companies as well as a few large groups have taken to it, leading to an evolution of the offer. Today, 78% of spaces offer offices for rent by the month and only 22% of spaces have a nomadic-only offering."
"This evolution from a nomadic to a more sedentary offer can also be seen in the typology of spaces. 88% of the spaces are solely coworking, 8% are coworking cafés and 1% are fablabs for freelancers.
300 "territory factories existing or planned, by 2022
The final report of the "Third Places" mission, led by Patrick Levy Waitz, estimated the number of existing "third places" at 1400.
On June 17, the Government launched the interministerial program " New places, new links which provides for the creation of 300 new "territory factories", 150 outside the major urban centres and 150 located in priority districts of the city policy. A call for expressions of interest (AMI)45 million, was launched last July.
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